L'intelligence artificielle au service de l'eau
Fiers d’innover avec plus de 30 municipalités et organismes à travers le Canada et la France
InteliSwim is an innovative predictive model that leverages machine learning to predict the concentration of Escherichia coli density in urban watersheds.
InteliPipes leverages the data of your municipality and machine learning to allow decision-makers to optimize pipe replacement activities.
October 2016
AquaHacking Challenge Winner

March 2018
Emerging Entrepreneurs Winner

October 2018
Entreprendre ICI Laureate

December 2018
Montreal Inc. Grant Winner

Why Collaborate With CANN?
Problem Identification
Each of our solutions stem from
challenges that have been brought to
us by our clients.
Research & Co-Development
Research projects are carried out in
collaboration with both our clients and academic partners.
Continuous Improvement
The performance of our machine
learning models improve in time as new data is made available.
Our Clients and Partners